Executive Board Biographies

Noah Mollerstuen - President

I'm a senior studying computer science with a with a passion for intelligent robots. I lead CWRUbotix's MATE ROV team and I'm usually working on some kind of side project, be it a robot, supercharged nerf blaster, or Factorio world (I can stop whenever I want). I love talking about robotics, so feel free to come chat with me wherever you see me.

Ari Glockner - Vice President

I'm a senior studying Computer Science. In addition to my duties as VP and Team Lead for Micromouse, I can often be found playing ultimate frisbee, working out, or playing board games.

Christopher Danner - Secretary

I am a third year computer science major pursuing minors in mathematics and finance. In CWRUbotix, I am a member of the software subteam of our Micromouse team, as well as our current secretary. Outside of CWRUbotix, I enjoy board games and participating in musical ensembles on campus.

Amitan Bar-Evan - Treasurer

Hello! I am a second year studying primarily mechanical engineering with some CS and EE sprinkled in for extra flavor. When not working on the robot takeover, I can often be found playing board games or climbing trees.

Max Rollins - Lab and Safety Manager

I'm a senior studying mechanical engineering. When I'm not building robots, I enjoy playing chess and rock climbing.